Avic Ship – Gold Sponsor DSM19


Interview with Mr Yan Sun, Chairman of AVIC Ship.

The AVIC SHIP supports DSM19 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
All owners from Donso Island and DSM exhibition are a big family of professional, innovative, focusing on the niche market especially for chemical tankers and gas carriers, leading the European shipping market, and even the shipping trend of worldwide.

The growth and development of AVIC SHIP have been effected and inspired deeply by the culture and spirit of this big family, we are expecting to join into the family, to grow up, lead the shipping trend and create our future with Donso Island hand in hand.

What are your expectations for DSM19?
I am looking forward to an improvement of environmental protection technology and high efficiency of vessel types in the future.

What is your best memory from DSM2017?
What impressed me most was I ever visited the base and environment on Donso Island where our shipowners grew up, developed and enlarged their markets, I was shocked and so exclaimed in great surprise that it was amazing, great achievement, and deserving to be recorded into history of leading the global shipping market as well as making remarkable achievements from such an exquisite island.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
In my opinion, the greatest opportunity and challenge is economical and innovative design based on energy conservation and environmental protection.

How would you describe DSM in one word?
The word must be “Professional”.

And finally, do you prefer a sail or a motor boat for recreation, and why so?
I’d prefer a sailing. I could experience the power and beauty of natural charm, and appreciate the greatness and mystery of human navigation.

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