An all-inclusive exhibition


Opens in September/October 2024

Exhibit at DSM2023

Exhibiting at DSM is easy and effective

Donsö Shipping Meet offers the opportunity to pick your preferred companies to meet, so in the morning when you board the ferry to the island of Donsö, you will already know who to meet. A great start for a productive day! There will also be a lot of opportunities to have spontaneous meetings.

Donsö Shipping Meet started back in 2009. We have all ingredients for a fruitful exhibition, and we are focusing on adjusting elements of the event according to the evaluations provided by previous attendees and exhibitors.

We now feel confident in saying that Donsö Shipping Meet offers something unique, both in terms of great business opportunities and the overall experience. If picking your preferred meetings among all the participating shipping companies, it is your way of taking care of business!

DSM2025 is a 3 day event!
We start off with the Maritime and Logistics Exercise on Monday September 1. Participaion in this event by personal invitation only.

On Tuesday September 2 and Wednesday September 3, the DSM exhibition starts, along with pre-booked speed meetings and On stage seminars.

Sign up for an exhibition stand and register exhibition personnel. Two persons are included in the price.

What's included & logistic service

Keeping it simple

The exhibition stands at DSM are a fixed size and are all-inclusive — equipped with everything essential you need for your meetings. Keep it simple and just bring your roll-up and a computer if needed and you’ll be all set. The stands are delivered by Space Production, one of Scandinavia’s largest companies in the production of exhibition stands, complete exhibitions and large-scale corporate events.

Exhibition area

Five big tents, together with Donsöhallen, serve as the Exhibition area, including speed meetings in the exhibitors’ stands, seminars, networking, lunch and the Banquet dinner.

Extra equipment & logistic service

Make more out of your stand? There are several options to add some extra to your stand.

Hotel reservation

Accommodation is available for delegates at two hotels in Gothenburg. Make your reservations in the DSM2023 registration form.


"As the marine industry enters an era of unprecedented change, it’s clear that we need to gain broad consensus on how to move forward in a manner that is both profitable and environmentally sustainable. Any real progress requires cross-industry co-operation. Co-operation requires a meeting of minds. DSM is a great occasion to meet up with the shipping community to discuss the latest technological trends shaping the future of maritime. The dialogue and learning potential at Donsö are too great an opportunity to miss."

Roger Holm
President of Marine Business, Executive Vice President and member of the Board of Management, Wärtsilä Corporation, Main Sponsor DSM19
Roger Holm – portrait

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