Commercial & Financing Meet September 2

September 2, 2025

Commercial & Financing Meet

DSM2025 Commercial & Financing Meet, will take place at Donsö Missionskyrka during Donsö Shipping Meet on September 2. The meeting is intended for attendees interested in commercial & financing topics related to the maritime industry. During the day you have the opprotunity to listen to interesting speakers followed by inspiring panel discussions. There is also time to visit the exhibition area and the banquet dinner in included.  Program will be published during beginning of 2025.

Green free and resilient maritime trade vital for the world 

Take part of film from DSM2023 Commercial and Financing Meet, including opening address by Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing.


Speakers & panels DSM2023

Program for DSM2025 Commercial and Financing Meet will be published in beginning of 2025.

Welcome and introduction DSM2023 Commercial & Financing Meet

Host: Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB

A warm welcome to Donsö Missionskyrka, by Michael Kristensson

Opening address: David Kristensson, Group Chief Executive Officer, Northern Offshore Services AB
Opening address: Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing


The importance and challenge of free, green and resilient trade

The benefits of international trade are obvious, and trade plays a driving force for growth, job creation and poverty reduction. Free trade needs to be green, resilient and provide for an inclusive development.

The tension between trade’s supporters and detractors is based up on the fact that although the gains from trade are positive, they may accrue unequally between countries. Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine reveal the delicate supply chains and importance of resilience. In addition, the climate crisis is raising attention on the sustainability of trade. How do we ensure the development of a green, free and resilient trade? What are the challenges for shipping moving forward?

Panel 1 – Green and sustainable maritime trade; how can the maritime sector get there? 

Moderator: Britt-Marie Mattsson, Journalist

The greening of trade and maritime transport is vital. How can the maritime industry ensure the development of green trade? How can it be ensured and promoted moving forward? What type of regulations will we see moving forward? What is the role of the maritime industry, suppliers to the industry as well as cargo owners? How can the development of green trade be ensured and promoted? What are the challenges and opportunities for the maritime sector?

Pannel address
The greening of trade and shipping – a regulatory perspective. The fit for 55 package has now been adopted. What are the steps in implementation and beyond? What will this mean for trade and shipping?

Speaker: Niklas da Silva, Counsellor for Transport Affairs. Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union Square de Meeûs 30

Pannel address
The benefits of international trade are obvious, and trade plays driving force for growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. How do we ensure the development of a green, free and resilient trade?

Speaker: Johan Trouvé, CEO, West Sweden Chamber of Commerce

Pannel discussions
Discussions on how to ensure green maritime transport. What can we expect in terms of regulation and what are the challenges moving forward, how can the industry address this? What’s the role/task of different actors?

Panel participants:
Elvir Dzanic, CEO, Wallenius SOL
Bjarne Foldager, Senior Vice President, MAN Energy Solutions
Stefan Björk, CEO Greencarrier Group
Patrik Benrick, Head of development & innovation, Port of Gothenburg


Panel 2 – Resilient maritime trade – a new security landscape?   

Moderator: Carl-Johan Hagman, President & CEO, NYK Group Europe Limited

Panel address
The geopolitics of trade flows and maritime infrastructure. Great power rivalry is increasingly affecting maritime flows and trade. How are states affected by changing trade flows and how do they use maritime infrastructure as a means of power? What effects on the shipping industry can be envisaged?

Björn Fägersten, Phd, CEO of Politea and Senior Research Fellow, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Setting the scene
With experience from operating a global fleet and the changing security situation in maritime trade, including the management of the case of Stena Impero being seized by Iran’s revolutionary guard, Mr. Hånell will give his view of the new security landscape and its effects.

Erik Hånell, CEO Stena Bulk

Pannel discussions
Discussions on the security perspective of maritime trade. How does security issues affect for the maritime industry? How can the maritime industry contribute to increased security and how can the maritime industry ensure a resilient trade? How will trade develop in a polarized world?

Panel participants:
Sea Captain Emma Israelsson, Cargo Superintendent, Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Niklas Granholm, Deputy Director of Studies, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Thomas Fransson, Head of Security, Port of Gothenburg
Fredrik Herlitz, Colonel, Älvsborg Marine Regiment

Summing up and thanks
By host Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB and Anders Hermansson,CEO Swedish Shipowners’ Association

Program 2023

Aug 29 2023
Aug 29 2023
08:00 - 11:00
Exhibition Area 08:00-10:30. Donsö Missionskyrka from 10:30-11:00
Aug 29 2023
09:25 - 09:51
Saltholmen boat terminal

Boat to Donsö from Saltholmen boat terminal for participants that will attend the Commercial & Financing Meet.

Aug 29 2023
11:00 - 11:35
Donsö Missionskyrka

Host: Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB


Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB

A warm welcome to Donsö Missionskyrka, by Michael Kristensson

Opening Address: David Kristensson, Group Chief Executive Officer, Northern Offshore Services AB

David Kristensson, Group Chief Executive Officer, Northern Offshore Services AB

Opening address: Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing

Andreas Carlson, Minister for Infrastructure and Housing

The importance and challenges of free, green and resilient trade
The benefits of international trade are obvious, and trade plays a driving force for growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. Free trade needs to be green, resilient and provide for an inclusive development.The tension between trade supporters and detractors is based up on the fact that although the gains from trade are positive, they may accrue unequally between countries. Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian aggression and invasion of Ukraine, reveal the delicate supply chains, and importance of resilience. In addition, the climate crisis is raising attention on the sustainability of trade. How do we ensure the development of a green, free and resilient trade? What are the challenges for shipping moving forward?


Aug 29 2023
11:35 - 12:10
Donsö Missionskyrka

Moderator: Britt-Marie Mattsson, Journalist

The greening of trade and maritime transport is vital. How can the maritime industry ensure the development of green trade? How can it be ensured and promoted moving forward? What type of regulations will we see moving forward? What is the role of the maritime industry, suppliers to the industry as well as cargo owners? How can the development of green trade be ensured and promoted? What are the challenges and opportunities for the maritime sector?

Pannel address
The greening of trade and shipping – a regulatory perspective. The fit for 55 package has now been adopted. What are the steps in implementation and beyond? What will this mean for trade and shipping?

Speaker: Niklas da Silva, Counsellor for Transport Affairs. Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union Square de Meeûs 30

Pannel address
The benefits of international trade are obvious, and trade plays driving force for growth, job creation, and poverty reduction. How do we ensure the development of a green, free and resilient trade?

Speaker: Johan Trouvé, CEO, West Sweden Chamber of Commerce

Aug 29 2023
12:10 - 12:55
Donsö Missionskyrka

Pannel discussions
Discussions on how to ensure green maritime transport. What can we expect in terms of regulation and what are the challenges moving forward, how can the industry address this? What’s the role/task of different actors?

Panel participants:

Elvir Dzanic, CEO, Wallenius SOL
Bjarne Foldager, Senior Vice President, MAN Energy Solutions
Stefan Björk, CEO Greencarrier Group
Patrick Benrick, Head of development & innovtion, Port of Gothenburg



Aug 29 2023
12:55 - 13:45
Donsö Missionskyrka
Aug 29 2023
13:45 - 14:35
Donsö Missionskyrka

Moderator: Carl-Johan Hagman, President & CEO, NYK Group Europe Limited

Panel address
The geopolitics of trade flows and maritime infrastructure. Great power rivalry is increasingly affecting maritime flows and trade. How are states affected by changing trade flows and how do they use maritime infrastructure as a means of power? What effects on the shipping industry can be envisaged?
Speaker: Björn Fägersten, Phd, CEO of Politea and Senior Research Fellow, the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Setting the scene
With experience from operating a global fleet and the changing security situation in maritime trade, including the management of the case of Stena Impero being seized by Iran’s revolutionary guard, Mr. Hånell will give his view of the new security landscape and its effects.
Speaker: Erik Hånell, CEO Stena Bulk

Aug 29 2023
14:35 - 15:15
Donsö Missionskyrka

Pannel discussions
Discussions on the security perspective of maritime trade. How does security issues affect for the maritime industry? How can the maritime industry contribute to increased security and how can the maritime industry ensure a resilient trade? How will trade develop in a polarized world?

Panel participants:
Sea Captain Emma Israelsson, Cargo Superintendent, Wallenius Wilhelmsen
Niklas Granholm, Deputy Director of Studies, Swedish Defence Research Agency
Thomas Fransson, Head of Security, Port of Gothenburg
Fredrik Herlitz, Colonel, Älvsborg Marine Regiment

Aug 29 2023
15:15 - 15:30
Donsö Missionskyrka

By host Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB  and Anders Hermansson, CEO, Swedish Shipowers' Association

Michael Kristensson, entrepreneur, Gloogo AB  


Anders Hermansson, CEO, Swedish Shipowers' Association

Aug 29 2023
15:30 - 17:00
Exhibition area

Walk to (approx 10 minutes) and visit the Exhibition area where you can explore the exhibition and meet with the shipping industry. Networking and refreshments starts at 17:00.

Aug 29 2023
17:00 - 18:00
Hall A and Hall B

Networking and refreshments with shipowners and exhibiting companies before the Banquet.

Aug 29 2023
18:00 - 22:00
Banquet hall - Exhibition area

The evening will consist of an elegant three course dinner inspired by the west coast of Sweden served by Isbolaget lead by Ola Tulldahl, former owner of  Pensionat Skäret. During dinner there will be entertainment, networking and a really good time for everyone involved in Donsö Shipping Meet. We are proud to present that Triple & Touch and Ntombie Shobede will perform at the Banquet dinner! Also on stage a choir from the island of Donsö!

Aug 29 2023
23:00 - 00:20
Harbour of Donsö

Transportation back to Saltholmen, Eriksberg and Stenpiren boat terminals with chartered boat sponsored by Styrsöbolaget.

Exhibition Magazine
Exhibition magazine

Exhibition magazine published by Sjöfartstidningen, a subsidiary of the Swedish Shipowners’ Association. DSM2025 magazine will distributed on DSM2025.


The DSM app

The DSM app ensures that you will have all the important information on hand. It will help you navigate the event and ensure you don’t miss any of the highlights.

Download the App Donsö Shipping Meet – free from App Store or Google Play. The App will be available in mid August, 2025. Login with the email address in your registration and choose your password via create password.

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