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Opens in September/October 2024

High quality seminars

Interesting shipping related topics

With relevant keynote speakers talking about the future of shipping industries, we are confident that Donsö Shipping Meet will provide exhibitors and delegates with useful, actionable knowledge.

There will be an Opening seminar and On stage mini-talks that is open for everyone present at DSM2023, no registration is needed. There will also be separate Commercial & Financing Meet, a Safety Meet and a Fishing Meet. There will aslo be a HR Meet where education career guidance counsellors will learn more about different professions in shipping and possible educational paths.

There will be a lot of activities happening at the same time, but don’t worry, all seminars will be filmed and made public on our Youtube channel, so you won’t miss out on any interesting and useful information.

Films from DSM2023 seminars published on DSM’s YouTube channel.


There are two kinds of seminars, Main seminars and On stage seminars. Main seminars; DSM Safety Meet, DSM Commercial and Financing Meet, DSM Fishing Meet and DSM HR Meet. On stage seminars is an engaging, information-rich event with mini-talks in the Exhibition area, August 29 and 30. The mini-talks are maximum 20 minutes each, with a 10 minute break. The On stage seminars are open for everyone, no registration is needed, as long as you are registered for Donsö Shipping Meet.

See full program

Gothenburg Port Day

Gothenburg Port Day is a day when we exchange experiences, have rewarding meetings, listen to inspirational speakers and enjoy great entertainment. The focus during Gothenburg Port Day will be on global trade and the green transition. Full program

DSM Safety Meet - Seminar

Intended for attendees interested in new energy sources for ships and their different safety aspects. A seminar will pass through each option for the future - Future Fuels Safety. Full program

Commercial & Financing Meet

What is the role of world trade moving forward and what will world trade look like? How can the maritime industry contribute and how do the maritime industry ensure both a resilient and green trade moving forward? Full program


The shipping industry is an important part of Sweden's infrastructure. Within the industry we see a great need for competence in the coming years. In this seminar, you will learn more about different professions in shipping and possible educational paths. Full program

DSM Fishing Meet

DSM 2023 Fishing Meet will focus on how the Swedish fisheries, both pelagic and demersal, meet the future. The afternoon will be filled will interesting talks focused on work and projects in the two largest Swedish fisheries organisations to prepare the fisheries for the future. Full program

DSM Safety Meet - Seminar

Ro Ro Ship Safety. Full program

There are two kinds of seminars, Main seminars and On stage seminars. Main seminars; DSM Safety Meet, DSM Commercial and Financing Meet, DSM Fishing Meet and DSM HR Meet. On stage seminars is an engaging, information-rich event with mini-talks in the Exhibition area, August 29 and 30. The mini-talks are maximum 20 minutes each, with a 10 minute break. The On stage seminars are open for everyone, no registration is needed, as long as you are registered for Donsö Shipping Meet.

See full program

On stage - Port of Gothenburg - How to measure your CO2 emissions for green business

Speakers: Martin Adeteg, Vice President Strategy & Innovation, Port of Gothenburg Edvard Molitor, Head of Sustainibility, Port of Gothenburg

On stage - Seafarers bransch - Raise awareness of the dark side of shipping

Speakers: Mikael Lindmark, National Officer and Kenny Reinhold, President

On stage - Imatech - Imanox Emission Reduction Technology - The Marine Commercial Solution for supply boats. The journey towards IMOIII for supply boats

Speakers: Johan Pålsson, Head of Marine Commercial and Technical Support Sweden, with friends 

On stage - Port of Gothenburg - Trend scouting Future Energies

Speakers: Therese Jällbrink, Head of Renewable Energy, Port of Gothenburg and Christoffer Lillhage, Senior Business Development Manager, Port of Gothenburg

On stage - The Swedish Club - Loss Prevention: Preparing for the future

Lorraine M. Hager, Loss Prevention & Marketing Advisor and Peter Stålberg , Senior Technical Advisor

On stage - Clyde Travel Management - The evolution of air fare pricing

Speaker: Mr Paul Cronje, Managing Director 

On stage - CHINA MERCHANTS JINLING SHIPYARD (YANGZHOU) DINGHENG CO., LTD - Innovation and Sustainability: Our Growing Path to Donsö Island

Speaker: Mr.Wu Sichuan (Tiger Wu), The Vice President of CMI, China Merchants Industry Group

On stage - Ö-PAC Technology - Connected Ships for the Future

Speaker: Torbjörn Sundström, CEO 

On stage - Styrsöbolaget - How to attract the seafarers of the future

Speaker: Helena Hedström, Chief Operating Officer

On stage - Port of Gothenburg - A solution for a fossil-free logistic chain

Speakers: Jill Söderwall, Vice President Business Areas & Partner Management and Patrik Benrick, Head of Strategic development & Innovation, Port of Gothenburg

On stage - Bureau Veritas - Course 2030 and beyond - The Donsö Way

Speaker: Gijsbert de Jong, Marine Chief Executive Nordics

On stage - Mercy Ships – Now is the time for Impact!

Speaker: Stefan Sonesson, National Director Sweden

On stage - NOMA - Nordic Offshore and Maritime Arbitration – NOMA – why the Nordic is better

Speakers: Christian Hauge, Partner, Advokat, Wiersholm and Paula Bäckdén, Advokat  Senior Associate, Vinge

On stage - Port of Gothenburg - Launching Digital Port Call - Save fuel, reduce emissions and increase safety

Speaker: Fredrik Rauer, Manager Port Controll, Port of Gothenburg

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