HR Meet August 29


HR Meet on DSM2023, August 29

The shipping industry is an important part of Sweden’s infrastructure. Within the industry we see a great need for competence in the coming years. Guidance counsellors from Sweden are invited to take part in a seminar, where they will  learn more about different professions in shipping and possible educational paths. The HR Meet program starts at 12:00 (at SMU-gården). Representatives from the industry, schools and universities will together tell and answer questions about the shipping industry and education for future work within it. A panel consisting of representatives from the shipping industry, unions, universities and seafarers participates. There will also be a guided tour in the Donsö deep harbour including Open ship visit.

Moderator: Åsa Burman, director, Lighthouse


Johan Magnusson Programansvarig, Sjökapten Chalmers
Adam Michanek Lärare sjöfart, Linnéuniversitetet
Christer Bruzelius Ordförande SUI, fd VD Destination Gotland
Pia Benson Öckerö seglande gymnasium
Axel Nilsson Sjökaptensstudent Chalmers från Donsö
Arvid Wachsmann Sjöingenjör/Superintendent, Sirius Shipping
Emma Lehnberg Andrestyrman, Tärntank
Charlie Johansson Matros, Wallenius
Anton Strömblad Motorman, Stena
Magnus Rönn 2/E Tärntank


If you are not present on the Island of Donsö, it will be possible to follow the seminar via Live Streaming, August 29 at 12:00. You don’t have to register!

Take part of the film from DSM20223 HR Meet below.

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