Banquet dinner speakers – The power of humanity in the future world

Jonas Hammarberg [1579] (Arkiv – Talarforum)

Technology will change the constraints for business, but humans will still be humans all through the transformation. Global powers of change, innovation and global competition hits the market in a pace we never experienced before. It is both easier to do business in a digital world, but also harder to stay attractive on a global market. On the same time leaders on all continents, in all industries find it hard to find and attract employees. To succeed we need to rethink the whole idea of being an organization.

Christer Olsson
Banquet dinner speakers September 3

The power of humanity in the future world

The power of humanity in the future world
Technology will change the constraints for business, but humans will still be humans all through the transformation. Global powers of change, innovation and global competition hits the market in a pace we never experienced before. It is both easier to do business in a digital world, but also harder to stay attractive on a global market. On the same time leaders on all continents, in all industries find it hard to find and attract employees. To succeed we need to rethink the whole idea of being an organization.

The power is in our hands. Bestselling authors and business coaches Christer Olsson and Jonas Hammarberg have been working with over 100 organizations the last years, re-shaping their culture and leadership, to match the new world. In this speech they explain the power of dreaming, why soft skills are crucial and how leaders need to act to build a company that not only survive, but thrive over time.

Christer Olsson is the son of a fisherman, who made common sense to his business idea. Christer has 25+ years as business coach, three bestselling books and is one of Sweden´s most recognized speakers.

Jonas Hammarberg is certified coach, global public speaker and author to the bestselling book Get Digital or die trying. Jonas has a unique ability to combine organization, culture and leadership and helps international companies in multiple industries, to succeed with their digital transformation.


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