C-Survey – Silver Sponsor DSM19

Jörgen Nilsson

Interview with Jörgen Nilsson, CEO, C-Survey AB.

C-Survey  supports DSM19 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
For us its important to be part of DSM because our heritage is Donsö and we are engaged in what happens on our island. C-Survey has been a part of DSM since the start and we stand behind the idea with the integration between buyer and supplier.

What are your expectations for DSM19?
I believe it will be better in a lot of ways even if 2017 was a great event. Our goal is to meet both new and existing clients and hopefully make some business.

What is your best memory from DSM17?
Just to come to the fair the first day and see all these participants walking up to the event area from the port, its amazing!

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
Our clients are facing a lot of demands and that is a challenge for all of us. In the same way we see that a lot of shipping companies are investing a lot in new vessels and put the environment high with new solutions. I believe that shipping is a business for the future.

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally,do you prefer a sail or a motor boat for recreation, and why so?
Motor boat, it’s my cup of tea.

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