DNV Sweden – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor


Read interview with Jan-Olof Grönhult, Marketing & Business Development Manager, DNV Sweden.

Jan-Olof Gronhult

Interview with Jan-Olof Grönhult, Marketing & Business Development Manager, DNV Sweden

DNV Sweden supports DSM2023 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
The event creates an energy injection to the domestic Swedish shipping community and a must to be part of, hence nursing the continuation. Engaging and important continuous milestone for the whole of the maritime industry in Sweden.

What are your expectations for DSM2023
Dynamic and interesting networking with both existing and new clients and participants. Agreeable and creative thinking to be shared amongst the delegates, and most importantly, the Owners.

What is your best memory from DSM2022?
The feeling of relief and joy everyone showed at this well-timed post pandemic event. Shows that humans are social creatures, and nobody could perhaps be more social than a true maritime being!

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
The possibility to enter new markets created to a large extent by the requirements for reducing environmental footprints. Challenges are to understand what the new markets should consist of, and also the ability to order new future proofed vessels to sail on into the forthcoming number of years.

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally, what is your best maritime memory?
Trust being fortunate enjoying the maritime segment that created, not only one but, many good memories. Been able to work with all sorts of projects stretching between different Naval vessels passing Cruise, Tankers, RoPax, RoRo and many others. And of course, meeting all the people behind such project and recognising that whatever your shipping segment there are a lot uniting in the maritime sector. The very best maritime memory is all the devoted people I have meet!


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