DSM2022 - Clean Ocean with Future in Sight

We are thankful to all that made DSM2022 happen; sponsors, exhibitors, shipping companies, visitors, business partners, speakers and the great work force on the island of Donsö! DSM2022 sponsors and partners.

For two days, 2100 visitors from 25 countries gathered to discuss shipping and shipping related topics. About 95 shipping companiers and 700 representatives from a wide range of shipping companies and 260 exhibiting suppliers came to lend their perspectives, make new connections and forge new business opportunities. By the end of day one, 1750 seated guests enjoyed a three-course meal at the Banquet dinner. The banquet dinner hosts more guests than the Nobel banquet in the Stockholm City Hall!

Don’t miss out the DSM2022 Conclusion film.

The interest to participate in DSM2022 was once again great and this year we had the Banquet tent in the exhibition area. Between pre-booked speed meetings and spontaneous meetings participants could attend a wide range of mini-seminars and also the DSM Fishing Meet and DSM Fire Safety Meet.

DSM2022 Main sponsor DESMI hosted the opening seminar: “Shipping – a part of the solution to the Climate crisis” presented by Bo Cerup Simonsen, CEO Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping   You find the seminar here.

All seminars and films from DSM2022 are available on Donsö Shipping Meet Youtube channel.

DSM Commerical & Financing Meet, took place on June 14. The EU “fit for 55 package” puts in place a regulatory framework for reaching the climate targets, and the EU taxonomy puts in place a framework for green investments including shipping. How do we meet the ambitions and fulfil the requirements set out through the fit for 55 package? What will be the role of the cargo owners and shipowners? How do we ensure access to the finance the needed investments for shipping? What are the challenges and opportunities for the sector?

The meeting had an impressive list of speakers, such as;  Magda Kopczynska, Director within the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission, Fredrika Klarén, Head of sustainability, Polestar, Tommy Johnsen, CEO NOx-fond and Anders Borg, Economist and former Minister for Finance Sweden. Have a look at the film from DSM2022 Commercial & Financing Meet here.

DSM2022 HR Meet – The shipping industry is an important part of Sweden’s infrastructure. Within the industry we see a great need for competence in the coming years. More than 100 Guidance counsellors from Sweden visited Donsö to take part in a seminar, where they learnt more about different professions in shipping and possible educational paths.  Representatives from the industry, schools and universities together told and answered questions about the shipping industry and education for future work within it. A panel consisting of representatives from the shipping industry, unions, universities and seafarers participates. There was also a guided tour in the Donsö deep harbour including Open ship visit. Take part of the DSM HR Meet here.

News introduced during DSM2022 
Beside the Commercial Meet and Financing Meet we introduced two new meetings: DSM Fishing Meet and DSM Fire Safety Meet.

DSM Fishing Meet – offered  interesting presentations from both research and management and a panel discussion with young fishermen on the theme Sustainable future fisheries. The aim of the seminar was to give the audience a better insight into the everyday work of a fisherman, and the role of fisheries in the food supply chain. Possibilities and challenges for the future fisheries will be addressed, as will the importance of a stable management system.  Among the speakers;  Minister for rural affairs, Anna-Caren Sätherberg, Mats Svensson, Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and Linnea Engström, MSC Scandinavia & Baltic Sea. Take part of the DSM Fishing Meet here.

DSM Fire Safety Meet – During the day participants got both theoretical and practical knowledge on how to prevent and respond to onboard fire in new fuels, but also in regulations, insurance and the newest research in the area.

The day was directed to both onboard personal and those interested in fire safety. Since the crew onboard is of outmost importance to prevent fire, and is the responsible fire brigade onboard, DSM and Nordkompass reached out with a special welcome to those of you working at sea to participate, at Donsö or via the live streaming. Among the speakers; Jonas Bjelfvenstam Director General for the Swedish Transport Agency, Sifis Papageorgiou, Project Officer of EMSA with over 25 years of experience, Julia Burgén, researcher and expert at human factors in fire safety, RISE and Ola Willstrand battery expert of RISE.

The ongoing work towards a climate neutral transport sector means that alternative fuels, new energy sources and different technologies are developed, evaluated and implemented. The risk profiles therefore change for vessels, the cargo (i.e. trucks, cars) as well as for the whole system of logistics and requires knowledge on how to manage fire safety. You can take part of the seminar here. Take part of the activity in the harbour here.

Take part of the Exhibition magazine, Swedish Shipping Gazette DSM2022 Edition, produced by Sjöfartstidningen.


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