Hoyers Motors – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

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Read interview with Karsten Hjorth Rygaard, Global Key Account Manager - Shipowners and Brian Byskov, Segment Manager - After Sales, Hoyer Motors.


Interview with Karsten Hjorth Rygaard, Global Key Account Manager – Shipowners and Brian Byskov, Segment Manager – After Sales, Hoyer Motors

Hoyer Motors supports DSM2023 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
The event gives us a great chance to meet with the Maritime industry in Sweden, and have prosperous dialogues with existing and new business partners in an optimal environment and a well-organized setup.

We were very impressed with the entire event of previous years and therefore decided to support DSM2023 as a Silver Sponsor.

What are your expectations for DSM2023
Hoyer offers energy effective electrical motors and we have great focus on energy optimization in our business approach. Therefore, we expect to be able to have a lot of great dialogues with stakeholders within the Maritime Industry regarding how we can support reaching the goals within the green transition.

This year, we are participating together with our premium distributor, HydTec, who is ready to support the Swedish Maritime industry with own local stock of electrical Motors. Together we look forward to share our information about the Hoyer setup of distributors worldwide and discuss new building activities with Shipowners.

What is your best memory from DSM2022?
We were very impressed with the event in general but especially the Gala dinner in the evening stands out as being very well organized and extraordinary. Also, the possibility to visit Ship of the Year, Prospero was a great experience.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
There is a high focus on the Maritime Industry’s environmental footprint. Today the Maritime Industry counts for approx. 2.3% of the total emission outlet (which equals 850,6 mil. tons) and a challenge is to reduce the emission and at the same time stay effective and competitive.

But these challenges also gives room for new opportunities within e.g. product development. The great focus on the green transition within the Maritime Industry is a great opportunity for Hoyer as we have the knowledge and high efficiency electric motors to support this.

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally, what is your best maritime memory?
There are many good memories from working within the maritime sector, but we are particularly proud of the variety of vessels we support with our electric motor solutions. As a preferred supplier to many OEMS and shipowners, we have gained a great understanding of the maritime industry, and we have had a lot of interesting dialogues with close business partners and key stakeholders worldwide. Another thing we are particularly proud of is the development of our global network of premium distributors who offer excellent support and fast delivery of electric motors from local stock.

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