HR Meet September 2


HR Meet, September 2

The the HR Meet will take place in the Exhibition area during Donsö Shipping Meet on September 2, 13:00-16:00. The meeting is intended for attendees interested in HR-topics. The program is in progress.

You sign up for the HR Meet in the registration form for Shipping delegates or Exhibitors.

Maria Holmberg_4
Seminar - Strengthening our ability to handle complex challenges with Inner Development Goals, the IDG skills 

Speaker: Maria Holmgren, Director People & Organisational Excellence, Stena AB

Sjolog 2024
Seminar - Retaining seafarers in their profession at sea

There is currently a shortage of personnel in the Swedish shipping industry, and getting seafaring personnel to remain in their professions at sea is one of the industry’s major challenges. Based on a literature review, factors which facilitate, but also those that hinder, a lifelong career at sea will be presented. In addition, we will also present the results of a web survey conducted to examine maritime students view on their future careers at sea.

Photo: Sjölog/Sjöfartstidningen

Henriette Wallén Warner, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
Retaining seafarers in their profession at sea

Speaker: Henriette Wallén Warner, Associate Professor and Senior Researcher at Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)

Monica Lundh, Associate Professor and Marine Engineer at Maritime Studies, Chalmers University of Technology
Retaining seafarers in their profession at sea

Speaker: Monica Lundh, Associate Professor and Marine Engineer at Maritime Studies, Chalmers University of Technology


Sep 2 2025
Sep 2 2025
13:00 - 13:05
Strengthening our ability to handle complex challenges with inner development goals, the IDG skills
Sep 2 2025
13:05 - 14:15
Coffee break
Sep 2 2025
14:15 - 14:45
Retaining seafarers in their profession at sea
Sep 2 2025
14:45 - 15:15
Daily challenges in HR, group discussions
Sep 2 2025
15:15 - 16:00
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