Interview with Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard, DSM2022 Main Sponsor

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DESMI - PROVEN TECHNOLOGY - DESMI manufacture, sell and service reliable and high-quality engine room pumps and pumping solutions. DESMI pump range covers all marine applications and ensures a trouble-free operation with low energy consumption and high performance. Read interview with Rasmus Folsø, CEO of DESMI Ocean Guard, DSM2022 Main Sponsor.

Rasmus Folsø

DESMI supports DSM2022 as Main Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
It has been pretty clear from the beginning that numerous products from DESMI has a place at DSM2022. And DSM opens for DESMI a great opportunity to meet many shipowners, shipbuilders, marine engineers and other stakeholders. It gives DESMI the opportunity to discuss with participants about latest trends and products – and to share information of our various marine solutions. Compliance and reliability are two words that describes our solutions, whether we talk Ballast Water Management Systems, engine room pumps, scrubber pumps, OptiSave – Energy saving system, solutions for oil spill response, clean waterways etc. Selecting a solution from DESMI fully supports compliance and with a history of more than +185 years, you can rest assure that you get a solution that is proven and will run for years. With the focus on clean ocean we also have a chance to market our solutions for the combatting of marine debris, which have been installed several places around the world.

DSM2021 is definitely the right place for DESMI to be a main sponsor. As we see DSM and DESMI, two forerunners for “Clean Ocean” are perfect match.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
We expect that focus will very much be on the environmental aspects. Therefore we expect that the discussion at DSM2022 will indicate how eager shipping companies are to actually make a difference – and at what pace. We then have a very good opportunity to align our focus and development to facilitate the requirement of the market. It should not be a limitation in equipment that should hold back the desire to have a clean ocean in the future.

What is your best memory from DSM19?
The best memory we have is a frame agreement that was made between the Danish shipyard Fayard and DESMI Ocean Guard for a number of Ballast Water Treatment Systems for a German ship Owner. This was one of the major contracts that year, which kickstarted the booming business of DESMI Ocean Guard.

Why is DSM important to your business?
It is a gathering of most of the potential customers in the region. Customer that look for a variety of products within the product range of DESMI. Products like marine pumps, oil and spill products, Ballast Water Management Systems, energy saving concepts like OptiSave. Showing that DESMI cares for the environment and promoting DESMI at DSM will give exactly the awareness that we at DESMI are looking for.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of shipping?
For sure the challenging environmental challenges will be a key issue – but also the recovery worldwide from the situation with coronavirus (Covid-19) will play a major role – hopefully only in the short run.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
A leading exhibition in the region with ample room for networking and displaying products and ideas – especially focusing on the environment.


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