Welcome to take part in this year's edition of Maritime Greentech, a magazine about research and technology for shipping.
Maritime Greentech, a magazine about research and technology for shipping

Maritime Greentech, a magazine about research and technology for shipping published by Sjöfartstidningen in collaboration with Donsö Shipping Meet (DSM) and the Swedish Marine Technology Forum (SMTF). The magazine is in english. DSM2021 was postponed due to the covid-19 pandemic. DSM2022 – Clean Ocean with Future in Sight will take place in June 14-15, 2022. In the meantime, through the extra magazine Maritime Greentech, you will get a small taste of what can be expected at DSM2022. The magazine offers, among other things, a tour of Donsö and interviews with several technology companies present at DSM2022. In addition, some ongoing research projects for cleaner and safer shipping are presented.