Northern  Energy & Supply – DSM2022 Silver Sponsor


Read interview with Elin Kristensson, Managing Director & Christopher Askheim, Commercial Manager, Northern Energy & Supply.


Interview with Elin Kristensson, Managing Director & Christopher Askheim, Commercial Manager Northern Energy & Supply

Northern  Energy & Supply supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
As a Donsö based company it´s important for us to contribute in any way we can to make this exhibition a success.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
A positive atmosphere and many great meetings with people from this amazing shipping cluster.

What is your best memory from DSM19?
Many good speed meetings, DSM is one of the best exhibitions where you know you will get the most new connections. And of course the gala dinner.

Why is DSM important to your business?
To meet many customers in a relaxed and positive environment that is out of office. As a Donsö based company we are happy and proud to our heritage.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
How to prepare for a more sustainable future in shipping. At Northern Energy & Supply we work close to our customers to be a trusted and reliable partner, in uncertain market.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
A great place to be if you are a part of the shipping industry.

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