Ö-borgen – DSM2023 Partner


Read interview with Örjan Backman, CEO Ö-borgen.


Interview with Örjan Backman, CEO, Ö-borgen. 

Ö-borgen supports DSM2023 as long term Partner.  What contributed to make this decision?
We are grateful to be part of DSM, an obvious choice when we had the opportunity. DSM is an important and large forum in our industry and for us.

What are your expectations for DSM2023?
Meet customers and friends in the marine sphere. It brings a great benefit to our companies, but we are also full of anticipation to get a dose of the Donsö spirit.

What is your best memory from DSM2022?
It is like after every DSM, that you are once again reminded that it is togetherness that is the key, that we are stronger together than each of us individually and that gives us energy in everyday life.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
One of the biggest challenges, but also the opportunities today, is the entire transition to being able to conduct business in Shipping in a more sustainable way. Then we have the challenge of competence supply, that the next generation also sees a future in the marine industry.

How would you describe DSM in one word?
Bumblebee. It shouldn’t actually be able to fly, but it does fly and is also very useful for the rest of us.

And finally, what is your best maritime memory?
Anywhere together with my family!

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