The shipping cluster gathers - DSM2025


DSM2025 - Securing the future

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DSM2025, September 1-3, 2025 - Securing the future

Attending DSM

DSM2025 is a 3 day event

  • Monday September 1,  Sjöfart & Sjöförsvar – Ledning och skydd av sjöfarten – seminar held in swedish.
  • Tuesday September 2 and Wednesday September 3, DSM2025 exhibition, along with pre-booked speed meetings and On stage seminars.

Donsö Shipping Meet aims to elevate Swedish shipping in the international arena, to be a rewarding and productive event for all involved, and to serve its time-honored role as a meeting point for the entire maritime cluster. Unlike the bigger exhibitions in Europe, DSM wants to offer all participants a more intimate event where the priority is placed on making genuine connections.


  • DSM is a trade fair. Please make your registration before arrival.
  • Shipping companies/Ship owners, i.e companies with a fleet, choose sign up as Shipping company/Shipping delegate when register.
Meet the business

Making connections and forging opportunities

We strive for all participants to feel welcomed and taken care of. Our mission is to create a fantastic environment for all participants to network with customers, clients and colleagues, and to support exhibitors and shipping companies in doing business. DSM2025 will have all the ingredients for a fruitful exhibition, providing shipowners with relevant, information-rich seminars, efficient “speed meetings” with exhibitors and of course opportunities for spontaneous meetings too.

With relevant speakers talking about the future of the shipping industry, we are confident that DSM will provide you with useful, actionable knowledge. There will be a lot of activities going on at the same time, but don’t worry, all seminars will be filmed and made public on our Youtube channel.

As registered shipping delegate you are free to take part of all seminars and the Commercial & Financing Meet,  Sjöfart & Sjöförsvar – Ledning och skydd av sjöfarten, the Safety Meet, the Fishing Meet and the HR Meet. You do not have to register separately!

The festive Banquet will take place in the exhibition area. An outstanding three-course dinner will be served along with entertainment. It is a great way to socialize with customers, colleagues and friends in a friendly atmosphere.

Young DSM

Young DSM at Donsö Shipping Meet - Networking

Are you up to and including 40 years and passionate about the shipping industry? Don’t miss the opportunity to join Young DSM on Donsö Shipping Meet, September 2, 16:15-17:30 in Donsö IS Klubbstuga.

Networking plays a crucial role in the shipping industry. The industry relies on relationships between companies, brokers, ship owners, and various other stakeholders. Building and maintaining a strong network can significantly enhance business opportunities, streamline operations, and drive growth. Learning to network in a relaxed and easygoing way is all about having genuine conversations and building connections naturally. Focus on being curious, asking questions, and finding common ground with others. Remember, it’s about forming relationships, not just exchanging business cards.

Participation is open to everyone up to and including 40 years, and signing up is easy! Just tick the Young DSM-box, when you register for Donsö Shipping Meet. Looking forward to seeing you!


Monday, September 1
14:00-16:30             Additional event Sjöfart & Sjöförsvar – Ledning och skydd av sjöfarten – in Swedish.

Tuesday, September 2  
08:00-                      Welcome  
09:45-10:15              DSM2025 Opening ceremony 
10:30-17:00              Exhibition, pre-booked speed meetings, On stage seminars 
17:00-18:00              Networking 
18:00-22:00             Banquet
10:00-17:00              Open Ship, Donsö harbour

Wednesday, September 3  
10:00-13:30              Exhibition pre-booked speed meetings, On stage seminars
13:30-                       Open Ship, Donsö harbour

Exhibition Area

Five big tents, together with Donsöhallen, serve as the Exhibition area, including speed meetings in the exhibitors’ stands, seminars, networking, lunch and the Banquet dinner.

Hotel reservation

Accomodation is available for delegates at two hotels in Gothenburg. Make your reservation in the DSM2025 registration form.

Exhibition Magazine
Exhibition magazine

Exhibition magazine published by Sjöfartstidningen, a subsidiary of the Swedish Shipowners’ Association. DSM2025 magazine will distributed on DSM2025. Interested in advertising in the Exhibition magazine 2025? Click the button below for more information and inquiries!


The DSM app

The DSM app ensures that you will have all the important information on hand. It will help you navigate the event, see your pre-booked speed meetings and ensure you don’t miss any of the highlights.

Download the App Donsö Shipping Meet – free from App Store or Google Play. The app will be available in mid August, 2025. Login with the email address in your registration and choose your password via create password.


"Bureau Veritas has supported DSM for many years and are happy to continue our cooperation, as it is an excellent event bringing together all the key stakeholders associated with the Donsö shipping community."

Gijsbert DE JONG
Bureau Veritas Marine Chief Executive Nordics (Denmark, Iceland, Norway & Sweden), DSM2023 Gold Sponsor
G de Jong (BV) 01

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