Sjöfartstidningen – DSM2022 Silver Sponsor


Read interview with Pär-Henrik Sjöström, editor-in-chief, Sjöfartstidningen

Par-Henrik Sjostrom

Interview with Pär-Henrik Sjöström, editor-in-chief, Sjöfartstidningen

Sjöfartstidningen supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor and Media Partner. What contributed to make this decision?
Sjöfartstidningen has taken an active part in DSM as long as the event has been arranged. It is important for the shipping industry that this major shipping event in Sweden is arranged and we want to support it in all ways we are able to. 

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
The last years have been strange ones for shipping in both Sweden and the rest of the world. Shipping has performed in an excellent way despite all challenges and difficulties. Shipping is a crucial part of the Swedish transport infrastructure and I hope that DSM2022 will be a restart. I see it as an opportunity for all stakeholders to come together and share experiences and lessons learnt, but above all, to look forward.

What is your best memory from DSM19?
Indeed it feels like DSM19 took place ages ago. The light and warm atmosphere surrounding DSM19 is no doubt my best memory. It reflected the strong optimism, all great plans for the future and a lot of positive energy.

Why is DSM important to your business?
Of course we want to be present on a main shipping event like this as Sjöfartstidningen is Sweden’s leading shipping journal covering all sectors of shipping, but also ports, R&D, education and the suppliers. Here we meet our readers as well as a lot of old friends and new acquaintances  in the maritime cluster.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
The most obvious answer is of course the challenges regarding all dimensions of sustainability. Sweden must be one of the leaders in this work. It is sometimes a difficult task, as those who set the rules do not always realize the full potential of shipping. Another important issue is to ensure that those sectors of shipping that have suffered most during the pandemic are able to come back and grow strong again after these difficult years.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
DSM is an opportunity for networking that you cannot miss!

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