Styrsöbolaget – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor


Interview with Ellinor Svensson, Traffic Manager/Business Developer Manager, Styrsöbolaget.

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Interview with Ellinor Svensson, Traffic Manager/Business Developer Manager, Styrsöbolaget

Styrsöbolaget supports DSM2023 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
DSM shows how important shipping is as an industry and Styrsöbolaget, as a company that freight cargo and commuters, is a part of the industry.

What are your expectations for DSM2023
To meet, to learn from each other and find new business opportunities.

What is your best memory from DSM2022?
To finally be able to meet and talk to each other again, in real life ,after a long period of Covid.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
To ensure a sustainable and competitive shipping industry. The green conversion will open up new business opportunities, but also change the way we operate our traffic.

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally, what is your best maritime memory?
To be welcomed back to Europe after a long sea voyage.

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