Svenska Skeppshypotek – DSM2022 Silver Sponsor

Svenska Skeppshypotek

Read interview with Lars Johanson, CEO, Svenska Skeppshypotek.

Lars Johansson Svenska Skeppshypotek

Interview with Lars Johanson, CEO, Svenska Skeppshypotek

Svenska Skeppshypotek supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
Every DSM has been a success with more and more participants, meetings, and new contacts. We are also strong believers in commitment and continuity, thus have we been a Silver sponsor since DSM 2013. We take every chance to contribute to a meeting where the shipping industry gathers in one place, meeting each other, making new contacts. Especially when the meeting takes place in the Scandinavian shipping centre, our own hometown.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
We believe that the gathering of the active shipping industry at DSM strengthens the growing positive shipping agenda of the Swedish government. From both an environmental as well as an infrastructure point of view.

What is your best memory from DSM2019?
The feeling of positive thinking and the growing interest in cooperativeness. And the will to make business with less environmental footprint.

Why is DSM important to your business?
Over two days we have the chance to meet all the different stakeholders in the shipping industry and get a broad perspective on where the industry is today and where it wants to be tomorrow. Not the least, we also have the chance to meet many of our clients, the ship owners.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
The lowering of environmental impact, especially here in Sweden where we still have very good opportunities to move transports from trucks to ships, from roads to waterways.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
DSM is a great opportunity for politicians and the infrastructure industry to meet the shipping industry, in their own environment.

Svenska Skeppshypotek is always present in the Swedish shipping industry. We are a neutral adviser, a discussion partner and a potential lender for investments in ships. With our competence and long term commitment we are a secure financial partner with a specific understanding of the characteristics in shipping. Together with the ship owners we can strengthen the international competitiveness of the Swedish merchant fleet.

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