Telko International – Gold Sponsor DSM19

Martin Ekholm Telko

Interview with Martin Ekholm, Vice President Sales Europe, Telko International AB.

Telko International supports DSM19 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
Telko International is in a startup phase, DSM19 is the biggest shipping event in Sweden and a perfect marketing place for us.

What are your expectations for DSM19?
Telko´s expectations are to meet and build relation with people from the maritime cluster, establish Telko as a strong partner and open doors for new opportunities.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
The opportunities lie in the digitalization that takes place in the shipping industry right now. This will increase the quality and make daily work more effective. The challenges is to implement such a system, it needs to be done in a close cooperation with customers, it needs to be a self-explained and easy to use and it needs to be a return of investment.

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally, do you prefer a sail or a motor boat for recreation, and why so?
Motor boat, I have two boys and sometimes it is good for the family to be able to speed up and reach our next destination 😊 Since we live in Sweden and we have different kind of weather during the summer it is more convenient to close the door and use the heating during a cold and rainy day.

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