The Swedish Club – DSM2022 Gold Sponsor


Read interview with Lars Rhodin, Managing Director, The Swedish Club.


Interview with Lars Rhodin, Managing Director, The Swedish Club 

The Swedish Club supports DSM2022 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
​The Club has been Gold Sponsor of the event since 2017, and believes it is important to continue to financially support those of our members responsible for the biggest shipping event in Sweden. What the Donsö Shipping Meet achieves for the industry and for the environment, as well as for Gothenburg itself, is very close to our heart.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
The Donsö Shipping Meet has created an incredible legacy that is important to continue. We always look forward to thought-provoking content and excellent attendance in both the Finance and the Commercial meets.

What is your best memory from DSM19?
When my wife and I were about to leave after dinner on Tuesday evening, I discovered that Anna Ekström, the Minister of Education, was also about to leave. I approached her and introduced myself and asked how she was planning to return to town, as the ferry had just left. Anna told me that she was planning to take the ambulance boat, which had been made available for the event from Northern Offshore Services, and she invited my wife and I to join her. We both very much enjoyed our conversation with Anna, and also the unique experience of using such an unusual form of transport for our trip into town.

Why is DSM important to your business?
Since we are the biggest marine insurer in Sweden, it is important for us to show support for the Club’s members that organise the Shipping Meet on Donsö, and for the Swedish shipping community.

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
In the coming years the issue of sustainability and protection of the environment will have a fundamental change on how the industry operates its vessels and how it does business. Working to meet the International Maritime Organization’s framework for green house gas reduction, and integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles into everyday business life will become an increasing focus.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?
To gather with friends and to network beyond expectations!

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