The Swedish Club – DSM2023 Gold Sponsor

Thomas Nordberg Nov 2022

Read interview with Thomas Nordberg, Managing Director, The Swedish Club.

Thomas Nordberg Nov 2022

Interview with Thomas Nordberg, Managing Director, The Swedish Club

The Swedish Club supports DSM2023 as Gold Sponsor. What contributed to this decision?
For much of its history, The Swedish Club has had an important relationship with Donsö, and as part of the Swedish shipping community, there is a natural match. The Donsö Shipping Meet has grown into a significant industry event and is the true heart of Swedish shipping. By supporting DSM, we feel we are giving something back to the industry and making a valuable contribution to what is a unique and essential resource for the Nordic maritime sector.


What are your expectations for DSM2023
This year we know that DSM will again be bigger and better than ever, with many positive takeaways and the chance to meet remarkable people and interesting companies. As time goes on, the event continues to gain greater recognition, and every year we are impressed to see how it has grown and yet still not lost the personal touch that we value so much.


What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
Shipping is moving forward ever faster today, with industry consolidation, rapid technological developments and an increasing focus on the environment – all providing both challenges and opportunities.

Yet without doubt, the biggest influences on our organisation are down to geopolitical factors, not just in how they affect our members’ businesses but also for their impact on the fundamentals of our own.  We represent a true global society, and our business is intrinsically linked to events and developments worldwide.  These include visible commercial challenges and fluctuations in the financial markets, which directly impact our investment portfolio and, consequently, how we choose to structure our business going forward.

How would you describe DSM in one word?
If I am allowed two, I would say ‘interactive’ and ‘vibrant’.

The common understanding we see running through those attending the event is a testament to our industry, and the close relationships we see being initiated and strengthened at the event make DSM an inspiration.


And finally, what is your best maritime memory?
After more than 30 years in the maritime industry, no particular memory stands out from the rest as I have had so many good days professionally, and all have been good in very different ways. The maritime industry is so diverse and global in outlook that it would be impossible to pick any one event – and I am continually making amazing new memories to add to the list!

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