The Swedish Maritime Administration and Sea Traffic Management (STM) – Silver Sponsor DSM19

Ulf Siwe Sjöfartsverket 20180925 835×650

Interview with Ulf Siwe, The Swedish Maritime Administration and Sea Traffic Management (STM).

The Swedish Maritime Administration and Sea Traffic Management (STM) supports DSM19 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
We want to support a sustainable competitiveness for the shipping industry through maritime partnerships. DSM is a relaxed and open discussion environment for all maritime actors.

What are your expectations for DSM19?
Collecting feedback, suggestions and input on what the Swedish Maritime Administration can do to support shipping even better. And creative ideas on how to realize STM benefits.

What do you find are the opportunities and the biggest challenges in the Shipping Industry today?
Making shipping safer and efficient while reducing emissions, leading to more goods transported by sea 

How would you describe DSM in one word?

And finally, do you prefer a sail or a motor boat for recreation, and why so?
To enjoy destinations in the archipelago – motor boat, to catch the sea karma – sailing.

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