TradeWinds at Donsö Shipping Meet

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Take part of what TradeWinds reports from DSM17.

Roderick Craig from TradeWinds reports from Donsö Shipping Meet.

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Thank you!

A meeting place for the maritime cluster, Donsö Shipping Meet is a lively, friendly event that provides a range of opportunities for making new connections. Thank you for three fruitful days, August 28-30, 2023. DSM2023 - We change for the future. Welcome back to DSM2025, September 1-3, 2025.

Nordkompass Fire Safety Award 2023

Prestigious award was handed out on DSM2023 Banquet dinner.

Open ship DSM 2023-1
Open Ship

Here you will find the schedule for the Open Ships during Donsö Shipping Meet 2023.

Annika Hult
Stena – DSM2023 Partner

Read interview with Annika Hult, deputy CEO Stena AB.

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OSM Thome – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Tommy Olofsen, Chief Commercial Officer & President, OSM Thome.

Wallenius Marine – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Read interview with Göran Söderdahl, Global Senior Commercial Manager, Wallenius Marine.

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