

Don't miss out!

The shipping cluster is gathered on the island of Donsö, September 1-3, 2025. Don't miss out, 90% of the exhibition stands are alreadly booked!

Annika Hult
Stena – DSM2023 Partner

Read interview with Annika Hult, deputy CEO Stena AB.

Landscape_OSM Thome_Tommy Olofsen_CCO and President
OSM Thome – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Interview with Tommy Olofsen, Chief Commercial Officer & President, OSM Thome.

Wallenius Marine – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Read interview with Göran Söderdahl, Global Senior Commercial Manager, Wallenius Marine.

Götheborg will attend Donsö Shipping Meet

At the end of August, Götheborg of Sweden will attend Donsö Shipping Meet.

Roger Wier
Morris Law – DSM2023 Silver Sponsor

Read interview with Roger Wier, Partner, Advokat,  Morris Law

Torleif Svensson-6059_Triple&Touch_2023
Triple & Touch, Ntombie, the Star Choir and the Ocean Vocals performing at Donsö Shipping Meet

Since 2005, Triple & Touch has been actively involved with the charity organization "Star for Life" in South Africa and they arrange large concerts together with the "Star Choir", that consists of young people from schools where the organization is active.

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DSM2025 Silver Sponsors

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