DNV Sweden – DSM2022 Silver Sponsor


Read interview with Jan-Olof Grönhult, Marketing & Business Development Manager, DNV Sweden.  

jan_olof _gronhult

Interview with Jan-Olof Grönhult, Marketing & Business Development Manager, DNV, Sweden

DNV supports DSM2022 as Silver Sponsor. What contributed to make this decision?
For those of us who are part of the local maritime cluster with high attendance and commitment in both new projects and day-to-day operations, it is natural to support this type of initiative.

What are your expectations for DSM2022?
DSM to reflect possible opportunities in a way that build confidence and optimism for the future.

What is your best memory from DSM19?
The spiriting optimism related a brighter future for the shipping segments together with all the meetings and interaction with participating companies and people.

Why is DSM important to your business?
We have a highly competitive situation in the  maritime segment, and we believe that it is important to be able to gather around positive and future-oriented events such as this. Much can be achieved by joining forces!

What do you find are the key issues facing the future of Shipping?
First and foremost the level of revenue within the industry i.e. we may in several segments have had more growth in tonnage in comparison with world growth which is a challenge, especially in this pandemic times. Also the choice of future tonnage to be operated well into a more stricter environment with regard to new regulations, not at least the progressive requirement for lower emissions. In short how to best future proof a newbuilding to be ordered now and sustaining a operational life well into this new regulatory landscape.

And finally, how would you describe DSM in one sentence?


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